The King Without A Crown
Throughout history kings and queens have been crowned with great celebration. Coronations are not only celebratory, but also a pageantry of solemn ceremony with well established religious beliefs and traditions. The king or queen was now recognized as a ruling authority with great power as the crown was placed upon their head. They were also referred to as a Sovereign.
During biblical history Israel had many kings, however that was never God’s intent. God had appointed prophets and Judges, but in 1 Samuel 8 the people demanded a king. They came to Samuel and said “Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all other nations.” They had forgotten that the Lord had called them to be separate, and not like other nations, yet they persisted and picked a tall handsome man from the tribe of Benjamin…mighty and wealthy. Their vetting process was completely external and worldly….and they got exactly what they wanted! When Samuel anointed him king he reminded the people “But you have rejected your God who Himself saved you from all your adversaries and your tribulations; and you have said to Him, No, set a king over us!”
The Lord had a plan for a future king, and He would be the King of Kings, but as usual, we allow our deceitful hearts to desire the power and authority that the world has to offer, instead of the moral power and authority of the living word of God.
There were plenty of kings that were crowned with power, and sat on the throne in Israels history. Some were worthy to wear that crown, and others not so worthy. But each one had recognition and celebration that made their rule known throughout the land. There was no mistaking the king. He had a crown, a throne, and a kingdom to rule over.
When a wicked king ruled, the people suffered greatly. Their suffering was very similar to their suffering as slaves in Egypt! Why? Because their true liberty and freedom was not geographic, it’s a matter of the heart mind, and it will always remain that way.
His prophets foretold of a coming King, a Savior, the Messiah that would be their sovereign deliverer. The details were all there; the time, the place, His physical description, a virgin birth, and that He would have a Heavenly Father. Yet they could not recognize Him! Why? They were so accustomed to seeking earthly kings with crowns and thrones, and outwardly handsome, that they were blinded to the prophesies that God had sent them. Nothing had changed from when they had first demanded a king during the time of Samuel the prophet.
So God fulfilled His promise and sent His King, and only the lowly, the humble, the broken-hearted, and two elderly people who visited the temple daily, awaiting and believing that they would see their Messiah before they passed away, recognized Him as their King. They were not looking for a crown, nor a throne. They were looking for the fulfillment of what the Holy Spirit had spoke to their hearts! (Luke 2:22-25) Their king had come without a crown, but not without power and authority. It would be a God-given power and authority to establish His heavenly kingdom on this earth.
Jesus eventually wore a crown on this earth. It was a crown of thorns that was meant to mock, humiliate and dishonor Him. Matthew 27:29 “And when they had stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him, they twisted a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His hand. They bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying “hail, King of the Jews!”
They had no idea they were bowing to the King of Kings! The only One worthy of ever wearing a crown, was now being pierced by a crown of thorns! That crown caused His blood to be shed, the same as the nails that pierced His hands and feet . The price He paid is beyond our comprehension, but one day that crown of thorns will be replaced with a crown of great glory!
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
Our King came without a crown, yet endured an undeserved crown for the joy of a heavenly crown that He saw on the other side. That joy was you and me!